Do Christians Believe in a Zombie?
In several of our previous blogs, we have been slowly establishing that the accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are, in fact, historically accurate. First, we determined whether we could reasonably believe that the gospels came from the actual eyewitness testimony of real people that saw and experienced the events. Next, we discussed how we know that the accounts we are reading TODAY are actually accurate representations of what those eyewitnesses actually wrote down. Next, we determined whether the information could have been made up or distorted in some way over time . Finally, we pondered, if all of the above was actually written by real people who claim to have seen these things... could they have been lying or crazy ? And where does Paul, the author of much of the New Testament, fit into all of this ? At this point, as the reader, you are either satisfied that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are, in fact, as historically accurate as Al...