What is the truth? Aren’t you curious?

Welcome to our blog! I’m so excited to be writing about my favorite topic. It has taken a long time to finally get to it, but I couldn’t hold out any longer. So many ideas. So much to discuss. I think you’ll find our take on Christianity different from most of what is out there today, mostly because it gets back to the basics of WHY following Christ is so powerful. My sincere hope is that it removes all the noise for you and helps you see how simple things really are.

I wanted to start with something really elementary that I hope piques your interest in reading more. It has to do with with facts versus opinions. Last year, when my daughter was doing online school at home, some of the assignments she had to do for English class involved reading an essay, then picking out the sentences that stated facts, versus the ones that simply stated an opinion. It was a really good exercise for her, because it helped her see that there are things in the world that just ARE. No matter how you feel about them, you can’t change them, they are facts. Then there are opinions, and everyone’s got one. 

One of the major problems I see in today’s world is that people approach religion (I really hate that word, btw) as if it is OPINION. Common social norm calls us to respect other people’s “religious beliefs” as if they are opinions about whether there is a God and about what happens after we die, about what is moral and what isn’t and about how the world and universe came to be, among other things. Because so many people believe different things, supposedly without being able to prove them, we should, according to social norms, just respect everyone’s beliefs.

But…there’s a problem with this. These beliefs really aren’t opinions, because an opinion is how someone FEELS about something, not what someone thinks is true. These all are, in fact, THEORIES about what might really be true. Because, if you think about it, everyone CAN’T be right.

There is a God, or there isn’t. And that God is good and just, or he isn’t. And Jesus is His Son, or he isn’t. The world was created, or it wasn’t. We either go somewhere after death, or we just rot. But it can’t be BOTH, and it can’t be every single variation. Somewhere, there is ONE truth that is correct, and everything else is just, well, wrong. 

As a scientist, I was deeply curious to find out WHICH theory was right. Aren’t you? I was raised Catholic and very skeptical of the faith, which didn’t encourage me to read or think for myself. I went through a long period of darkness and doubt, until I started to read and research for myself. 

Is there a way to know? How can we do enough research to rule out some theories but not others? How can we know what happens after death? Is there ANY way to tell what really is the truth? 

The answer is a resounding yes, and that is why we started this blog. The ONLY person who has ever come to earth and PROVEN that God exists and that resurrection is real, is Jesus. And He left behind more evidence than you realize. 

I hope you’ll follow and read along with us as we develop this blog and go deep into history, science, and even some math to show how there’s only ONE truth and how simple and powerful it is. Until next time!


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